Law of Attraction — make it work for you!
They say that whenever you yearn for something intensely, the universe conjures up all of its powers to fulfil that desire. Enough and more has been written about this Law of Attraction, not only in present-day texts but also historical records. Something about this enigmatic and simple law has genuinely withstood the tests of time.
For a minute, reflect on one of your major decisions in the recent past — say renovating your house. From the moment you took that decision until the time that you actually renovated, did you begin noticing an increasing number of ongoing renovation works? Did advertisements of renovation agencies, contractors and interior designers seem to quietly find their way into every newspaper and magazine you picked up? This is nothing but the manifestation of the Law of Attraction.
This Law works every moment, including now, as you read this article. You need to do nothing to set it in motion; the Law of Attraction continually influences everything you do and experience. If one day you decide to be happy and set off smiling, you will be amazed at how many little things you will discover during the same day which will uplift your mood and make you even happier. I bet that you can’t stop the Law of Attraction, even if you want to. It will work at the subconscious level if not at the conscious level, which is another reason to give it positive thoughts to feed on.
The Law of Attraction in many ways explains the adage ‘you are what you think’.
How can you make the Law of Attraction work to your advantage?
The Law of Attraction is nothing but your inherent ability to attract whatever you choose to focus on. For it to manifest itself, all you need is an urgent and realistic desire, something that will drive you to put in all the effort and resources at your disposal towards its achievement and not let you feel at ease until the task stands accomplished.
Here are some small steps to make it work for you:
● Make your desire visible:
Having a strong desire will ensure that this task becomes the centrepiece of all that you want to achieve. Just by writing out your desire on a piece of paper and placing it in a place where you can see it multiple times in the day, for example as the first item on your To-Do list, will ensure that it will always be in your attention span. By putting it down in writing, you affirm the significance of this task over the tens of thousands of thoughts which keep crisscrossing your mind every day.
● Self-fulfilling prophecy:
Strong desire becomes a self-fulling prophecy, especially when articulated in the present verb form. Rather than saying “I want to be . . . .”, say that “I am . . . “. Remember the idea is not to lie to the outside world but to use this present form as a reinforcement for yourself. If you believe you are, the chances of your becoming one increase manifold.
· Visualisation:
Visualise yourself as having achieved the desire. One of the greatest scientific minds of all times, Einstein said that ‘imagination is more important than knowledge’. Visualisation summons your subconscious to conjure up positive images which influences your conscious mind. Sit every day, preferably at the same place and at the same time, even if it is just for a few minutes, to harness the power of visualisation. See yourself, visualise, feel being there!
● Positive Confirmation Bias:
Self-fulfilling prophecy and visualisation can be further bolstered by confirmation bias which helps you find external support for your positively worded desire which you envision. Rather than saying that ‘I don’t want to be in debt’, it is always better to state your desire as ‘I am financially independent’. Your mental faculties will not be consumed by the thought of debt but rather by being financially independent, which will lead you to seek out information which is in confirmation with your desire.
● Peer Pressure:
Start talking about what you want to achieve with your family and friends. This will put you under some pressure to deliver on this desire thus, acting as positive reinforcement. As they say, one of the best ways to increase your chances of achieving something is to announce it to the world.
● Resources:
Start looking at resources which will help you with the desired outcome. Start tapping into all your contacts and meeting the kind of people who can help you with your progress towards fulfilling this desire. Your intense desire will help you attract people, resources, ideas and things, in congruence with what you want.
Come, step into the world of achievers, leverage the Law of Attraction to work for you — start now, by writing out and visualising what you really desire and see how things magically fall in place!